Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Korea - The Forgotten War

KOREA - The Forgotten War

  • General Douglas MacArthur, from WWII requested promission to bomb China in 1951, but Truman denied the request and relieved him from duty.
  • Dwight D, Eisenhower promissed to end the conflict as quickly as possible with negotiation talks.
  • Eisenhower won because of his dislike for the war and his promise.
  • When China sent troops into North Korea, the US was about ready to face defeat.
  • Truman was affraid to get the USSR involed in the war.
  • Wisconsins own Joseph McCarthy attacked 205 state officials who he said belonged to the communist party, his charges were never proven.
  • After the start of the arms race, began a space race, which the Soviets won with Sputnik.

1 comment:


A good start, Alex - but can you add more on the Korean war? Make sure you have 10!